Hushmail has updated its terms of service to clarify that encrypted emails sent through the service can still be turned over to law enforcement officials, providing they obtain a court order in Canada.
September court document from a US federal prosecution of alleged steroid dealers reveals that Hush Communications turned over 12 CDs involving emails on three targeted Hushmail accounts, in compliance of court orders made through the mutual assistance treaty between the US and Canada. Hushmail is widely used by privacy advocates and the security-conscious to send confidential emails. Hush mail? are you kidding me? Now that is a great example of how we all have lost our Privacy and Basic rights! Just put the word Terrorism in from of anything / and then you can DO anything to anyone. I thought we were a lot better than that in Canada, but it seems I was wrong! May be those bastards that caused 911 and promoted Terrorism have already won. We seem to be living just like them now - in fear at all times and loosing our rights one by one. Are we are the right path?
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