Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Review: Ajax in 10 Minutes: "For Web developers who want to add more interactivity to their Web sites, this book is packed with information. It's well written, but if you're a novice additional programming background is recommended. To learn more, read on... By Lee Underwood. 0623"

The layout of the book, according to the introduction, is "divided into bite-sized lessons, each designed to take no more than about 10 minutes to complete." So it's the lessons that take 10 minutes, not the entire book. Well, that made a bit more sense. I found as I read the book that the lessons were easy to digest, and yes, they took roughly 10 minutes to complete. You would be amazed at the amount of information you can learn in ten minutes when it's put together in a concise format. The book was written by Phil Ballard, a professional Web consultant based in south east England.

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